Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello World

Hello World.

This is the first entry to my Blog that will document my ponderings on the humble Bengalese Mannikin and this will be coming specifically from an Australian Perspective.

The Bengalese Mannikin or the "Bengo" as it is fondly called amongst some Australian Avriculturalists is also called the Society Finch in other parts of the world.

In my aviary that I had as a young boy of 9 years old, the Bengo was one of the very first finches that I kept and have continued to have a soft spot for these guys as my love of keeping finches has progressed through the years.

It would be safe to say that most finch enthusiasts have kept the Bengo at one time or another for various reasons.

I hope that in my posts to come that you may find some interesting bits and pieces of information that help to encourage interest in this often unappreciated finch.
